Burger & Co.
@ Burger & Co. 我們的目標是為您帶來道地的美國漢堡. 為您獻上的手製漢堡採用100%的牛肉在此做成絞肉製作. 我們精選最高品質的進口部位來帶給您最好的味道和口感. 夾在手工烘培坊為了 Burger & Co.特製的麵包. 挑選搭配最新鮮的材料來製成我們各種不同的漢堡, 小菜和獨家醬料. 甚至我們的進口褐皮薯條也是在此鮮切而成. 歡迎光臨 Burger & Co. Taipei, 而最重要的…請享受!
@ Burger & Co. We are committed to bringing you an authentic American burger. We serve handcrafted burgers made from 100% beef that are ground in-house. We select the highest quality imported cuts to bring you the best flavor and texture. Our buns are specially made for Burger and Co. We select the finest and freshest ingredients for our variety of burgers, sides and homemade sauces. Even our imported Russet potato fries are cut in house. Welcome to Burger & Co. Taipei, and most importantly...Enjoy!
富錦街 No.108
- 地址:
- 臺北市松山區富錦街108號
- 電話:
- 02-25466878
- 地址:
- 彰化縣員林鎮林厝里山腳路一段坡姜巷465號
- 電話:
- 04-8392927
Grandma Nitti's Kitchen/中西美食
- 地址:
- 臺北市大安區師大路93巷8號
- 電話:
- 02-23699751